image showing blue piggy bank with pennies going in with text which says from pennies to pounds your donations make a real difference

Donate quickly and securely using the following methods

You can now make a donation via our QR code

You can make a donation of your choice at any time via our QR code, or visiting this link

QR code to link:

  • Bring cash donations to St John’s Information Centre, where possible between the hours of 9am and 3pm, Monday to Friday, but if this is not convenient, please visit the Hospice Reception, or call a member of the Fundraising Team for advice.
  • Deposit cash in our collection tins or buckets.
  • Send us a cheque, payable to RDaSH St John’s Hospice by prior arranged appointment-Tuesday to Thursday between the hours of 9am and 3pm, or visit us at the Hospice.
  • Visit our Just Giving page and select the St John’s Hospice Campaign
  • And remember, tick the Gift Aid box if you are a UK taxpayer, this will allow us to claim an extra 25p from the Inland Revenue for every £1 donated.
  • Electronic payments – Please contact either the Fundraising Team on 03000 214870, or our Charitable Funds team on 03000 211867 for the Charitable Fund bank account details to allow an electronic payment/transfer.

For more information contact the Hospice on 03000 214870 or 03000 214871.

How to pay in the money you raise

You’ve done the difficult bit, your event’s been a great success and now you’re ready to pay the money raised to us. You can do this in one of several ways.

By post

Pay the money you’ve raised into one bank account and then just write a cheque for the total amount payable to RDaSH St John’s Hospice. Please complete the donation form included in this pack. If you’ve been sponsored, remember to send us the sponsorship forms and keep a copy of these and the donation form yourself for reference.

Online via Just Giving

If you’re being sponsored, your supporters can also pay online by making their pledges through your or our Just Giving page

Don’t forget Gift Aid!

Remember to ask all your donors to complete your sponsorship forms with their full name (or initials) and full home address including postcode and remind them to tick the Gift Aid box if they are a UK taxpayer.

This will allow us to claim an extra 25p from the Inland Revenue for every £1 they donate.

gift aid graphic - don't forget to gift aid your donations. £1 from you plus gift aid equals £1.25