Amazon staff brave the shave for hospice

Stefania Ceranu (left) and Daiana Zotescu (right) are pictured with St John’s Hospice Fundraising Tracey Gaughan (centre).

Two brave Amazon Logistics workers have ‘braved the shave’ to give our hospice a £1,030 boost.

Stefania Ceranu and her partner Daiana Zotescu, who both work at Amazon UK DDN1, were sponsored by friends and colleagues to raise the funds for St John’s Hospice in Balby, in memory of Stefania’s cousin Marinela Ceranu, who passed away aged just 39 from breast cancer.

Stefania said: “As well as raising awareness of breast cancer, we wanted to raise funds for the St John’s Hospice charity, as it supports so many local people and families in Doncaster.”

She added: “The decision to shave our heads was deeply personal for me after the loss of my cousin Marinela, who played a pivotal role in raising me during my childhood.

“She left behind two young children and the tragedy of her loss was compounded by the fact that cultural and discriminatory barriers prevented Marinela from seeking timely treatment, ultimately leading to her untimely passing.

“Since Marinela’s passing, I have battled my own demons, facing mental health challenges including depression and anxiety. Daily panic attacks became a harsh reality, and it was only through professional care and support that I was able to navigate through these difficult times and begin the journey towards healing.

“The experience was a wake-up call for me and made me understand the vital importance of support, both emotional and medical, for cancer patients and their families. This realisation led to the decision to support the St John’s Hospice Charity.”

Stefania having her head shaved

When Stefania and Daiana set up a Just Giving page for their charity challenge, their colleagues at Amazon, and business partners overwhelmingly pledged their support with donations, raising a grand total of £1,030 for St John’s Hospice, and many of them gathered to cheer them on when they ‘braved the shave’ on Saturday 21 October.

Stefania said: “We are so grateful to everyone for their amazing support and would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who sponsored us.

“We’d also like to say a special thank you to my manager Sarah Spencer, who has offered so much encouragement along the way.”

St John’s Hospice Fundraiser Tracey Gaughan said: “Stefania and Daiana have raised a significant amount of money and we truly appreciate their support.

“They are very special people who already do so much to support their friends and colleagues, so it’s lovely to see them leaving so many messages of encouragement and donating to their cause.”

Daiana preparing for her head to be shaved

Stefania added: “Cancer is a formidable opponent, but the strength and resilience of those facing it inspire us every day.

“We want to honour the memory of our beloved Marinela and raise awareness about the importance of early detection and treatment, as well as the need for support and compassion during the journey.

“Shaving our heads is a visible symbol of our commitment to this cause, and we hope it encourages others to join us in supporting St John’s Hospice.”